Birthday Blog

6 04 2010

Today is the first day of the life of this blog, and most serendipitously, today is also my day of birth. Yes, on this day 27 years ago I had the inspired idea that I might start a new life for myself outside the womb, and for 27 years now I have been on a path to know truth and reason in this expanse of seemingly infinite chaos. ALL will be explored in good time, but for now its time to party like a ten year old, CUZ IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!

I started my day with what is becoming my annual straight razor shave. To me nothing ushers in a new year like an impossibly smooth shave from an eighty year old man. A trembling razor to my throat reminds me of how good it is to be alive,  and that we owe our lives to the morality of our community. It reminded me of an old short story “Lather and nothing else” about a barber who contemplates murdering his confident client. Not a relaxing memory as my barber scrapes his vintage blade across my tentative face. It was hard not to imagine a grizzly barber shop murder in the style of Sweeny Todd. However, just as in that short story, there was lather, and nothing else. Warm lather too!  So I wasn’t murdered on my birthday, but I did return home with one of his wife’s lovely meat pies.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying food, a lot of food. For breakfast, a bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and a glass of extra pulp orange juice. Lunch, a banana split and a face plant into an angel food cake, and finally an extravagant dinner at a fancy restaurant. Oysters, escargot and steak au poivre, I even learned how to fold a napkin into a handsome shirt. It’s always so much fun to dress up and pretend your of the upper class, but at the end of the night its all just pretend… for now. I’m just getting started though!